Last Sunday The Youth crew took a T
rip to Nashville... or at least had the intentions of going. we met up with our Puerto Rican redneck friend Noel ( skate goat on his head from a couple posts ago) . Mikey forgot about the time change so we arrived just in time to help Noel Finish packing his things for a Move. Beer was purchased as well as some Local Vegetation and we realized that none of us had any more money for gas. So we opted to stay in Manchester. Somehow we always get trapped at the park for hours, maybe because its so fucking fun! New tricks were learned. Pabst cans were crushed. Just as it got dark some Mummy Fingers were twisted and we all got our fourth, fifth, and sixth winds.
When Noel is not eating Snapping Turtles and Worshiping Satan He is doing body Jars |
As soon as josh landed this he gave everybody High 3 1/2's |
Same Boring Dude, Same boring trick |
Quick Feet |
Better Luck Next time Nashville See you soon.
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