Sunday, July 10, 2011


WE skated it for about an hour and some of it started to chip we gotta go back and patch a few things up.
this is a learning process for all of us.
Josh Scratched a few 5-0 grinds across and in 
Pondering the possibilities 

Kickflip- i landed one only to shoot out at the bottom
it was too hot to try tricks 

Mike seen in a rare front tail form 


Mike got his special meter up and skids a backtail

Josh put poncho to work for a six pack

Hopefully we will get out soon and patch things up.
Thanks for rolling in


WE skated it for about an hour and some of it started to chip we gotta go back and patch a few things up. 
this is a learning process for all of us.
Josh Scratched a few 5-0 grinds across and in 
Pondering the possibilities 

Kickflip- i landed one only to shoot out at the bottom
it was too hot to try tricks 

Mike seen in a rare front tail form 


Mike got his special meter up and skids a backtail

Josh put poncho to work for a six pack

Hopefully we will get out soon and patch things up.
Thanks for rolling in

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Working Class Scum

Thanks to all of our supporters (as well as a generous donation from CO-Owner Josh White) we were able to start building another R.G creation. thanks to all of those of you who came out to work/ play skate/ drink beer/ play Roger Alan Wade in your car and take photos. Mega thanks to Chris Scoggins of Comfort skate shop for constant support of our brand as well as our mission. Chris Artell for shooting RAD photos.  "Poncho the Cowboy" for holding down the fort/ dragging random tools out of the woods/ telling random bullshit. we hope to be able to continue these projects not only to give back to our supporters but provide some fun shit to get Radical on.  

Getting it Mapped out Photo: ARTELL

Scoggins Takes skate breaks instead of  smoke breaks Photo:ARTELL

They whole crew was pretty worn out at this point Photo; ARTELL

the R.G Management whipp game Photo: ARTELL

The First Coat Photo: ARTELL

"Poncho The Cowboy" moe photo

Josh Whites Donation another shitty moe photo

Money Baggs, moe "dutch angle" photo lameness 

Stay Lame Chattanooga  , Moe "shit for brains" photo 

Thanks for Dropping in. Its a long way to the flat if you hang up.
R.G " if you cant Bite dont growl"
also look for BEER NUTS in comfort skate shop and while you are there buy a bunch of shit so Scoggins  can skate more and work less